

Friday, March 18, 2011

New Business

Ok, so I'm 48 years old and getting ready to start a business from home.  We recently took on my husbands two sons and don't receive any child support, so it took a big hit on us financially.  I've got the product, although it's still being refined and I'm working on financing.  I can't believe how much there is to learn about having a business.  I sometimes feel overwhelmed.  Anyone out there have some good advice on what they did when they started their business?  It's going to be an internet run, consumer goods type business. 

1 comment:

  1. “...when once and a lifetime opportunities present themselves you take them.” – I absolutely agree with you! You really better take hold of such an opportunity and never let it go. Who knows when something like that would come again, right? Anyway, good luck with the business! I’m sure you’re going to be successful!
